
Autism Treatment For Children

Autism is a disease that affects young children in almost every part of the world. Thanks to medical science various therapies are now available for the help of such children. Let’s discuss about the ways of treating Autism and the problems involved therein.

Many therapies like speech therapy, occupational therapy, applied behavioral analysis (ABA) etc. are available for the early treatment of children autism. In addition to these therapies various approaches have been developed that work on the principle that increased amount of ‘environmental stimulation’ is highly beneficial for autistic children.

Such therapies are available almost all over the world. The difference being in the approach of the parents or medical personnel who are treating such children. For example as autistic children grow older and become teenagers, some of the therapies are considered redundant for them.

Another factor involved is the state policy in a particular country. To take an example some countries have made it mandatory at the district level to provide therapies like speech therapy and occupational therapy to autistic children. Such children in other countries may not be fortunate enough and have to accept whatever is available in their locales.

As far as autistic adults are concerned, the picture is far from being satisfactory. Autistic adults are mostly put on medication to treat their behavioral anomalies. They are subjected to charity institutions which are no more than prisons for them.

As a matter of fact, very few medicines are available for autistic adults. As mentioned earlier they are not deemed fit for ‘behavioral therapies’ and so are given medicines like Risperdal. Other common and trusted medicines include Zoloft and Paxil. These have been proved to amend the behavioral anomalies of autistic adults to a certain degree. Apart from these there hasn’t been much worthwhile research from the medication position.

Much depends on our viewpoint regarding the treatment of autism. We often ask ourselves with negativity in our mind, is it curable? In fact many people are under the wrong notion that Autism can never be cured. On the contrary, reports have suggested that there is a remarkable scope for improvement in autistic children. In some cases (especially in young children) it was even difficult to diagnose autism after rigorous treatment- such was the level of improvement.

So, what is needed a complete change in our outlook as far as the treatment part of autism is concerned. There ought to be more research in the medicines that can modulate mood/behavior of autistic people. Side by side, all the prominent therapies should be made available at every place so that already unfortunate autistic children don’t suffer further on account of negligence and unmotivated political will.

Parents also need to understand the full complications of this disease and need to develop confidence and faith that it can certainly be minimized to a great extent, even if not cured completely.

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