How to Encourage Baby to Talk with Responsive Words?

How to Encourage Baby to TalkCommunicating with your child right from the early stages of his/her development is very important for your child’s speech development. In addition, some of the most modern researches also suggest that parents notice a great deal of improvement in their child’s language if, they respond back to their child starting from the first month of the infant’s life. There are some proven strategies through which you can improve language development in your child. Explore the stage by stage speech guide to your baby-talk based on what you notice in your child. Master the best way to keep up your end of the conversation much interesting and turn your child into a ‘master chatter’!

Month 1- “Kwaah-kwaah”

Though wailing and cooing may sound conversational, its essentially the baby’s principal way to communicate with you. Your baby may cry or ‘coo’ for several reasons, such as, hunger, tiredness and so on. What’s more? Crying prepares your child for authentic language by fortifying the neural conduits in her brain that are responsible for speech. It actually offers a good exercise for the organ called ‘larynx’. The larynx is the organ (in throat) that is responsible for speech fabrication.

How to respond: Say something that will soothe your child’s wailing and fussing. Even though a loud cry may work on his vocal cords, the sooner you reply to him, the more convinced he’ll be that you are truly listening to him. That way, he will be more enthusiastic to communicate his feelings with you.

Month 2 to 5: “ Aah..ooh”

These “super” cute coo’s comes from your baby’s larynx. These coo’s are some pre-practice for using his/her tongues and lips in the future. Basically, babies tend to concentrate on specific sounds such as, snarls, vowels and squeal when you call them. Such sounds help your babies to manage vocal volume and tone that are essential for their very first word formation.

How to respond: You can say anything in a ‘singy-song’ voice, like “Hiiii daaarlinnng”!! Latest research suggests that infants are impressed by the high-pitch tones and more willingly will imitate the same tone.

Month 5 to 7: “Ah…boo”

When your child starts to use consonants, it shows that he is now gearing up to generate a complete inventory of different sounds which is a primary linguistic landmark. Actually, creating consonants is a tough task for babies. It needs a greater interaction between their lips and the tongue.

How to respond: You can start describing your baby about the daily routines, things that you see while you walk with them, etc. Say for instance, let your child know that his dad will be taking him for a walk in the evening! You may think that your baby is not able to understand words. But, research says that babies can understand much better than you realize.

Month 7 to 9: “Da..Da..”

Your infant is still imitating sounds. When he begins to babble in different syllables, his conversation will be in a language that’s hard to understand. These meaningless syllables would be your baby’s rehearsal for proper sentence formation with real meaning.

How to respond: Chat about the objects around her so that she can link those things with the right words. Make sure you notice the right object that your child is actually looking or pointing  before you label objects.

Month 9 to 12: “Goo-bie”

Making right sounds at this point of time takes a little practice. So, your child will be in the ‘middle’ spot between babble and true speech now. He may say, “Goo-bie” for his ‘sippy cup’ and “Nee-nigh” for ‘milk’!!

How to respond: You don’t have to insist on the right pronunciation as long as you recognize that your child is trying to communicate with you. For fresh talkers, using strange names for common words is not unusual. Hence, the best way to respond is to let your baby know that you understand what she’s trying to say. If she says, “Bolee”, give her bottle”!!

Month 12 to 15: “Ball”

Initially, your baby will say a (full) right word that she’s captivated by and something she can tell without difficulty. That’s why, easy words such as, ball, dog, cat are often used by babies than hard to pronounce words like, computer or kitchen.

How to respond: Cheer her up by saying “Good Job” for her right words. This will encourage her to learn new, different words. Doctors say that “ If parents talk more to their babies, they learn new words very quickly”. So, keep talking to your little one. That way, you will furnish right words for some fascinating sensations and objects. Use those words for appreciating your baby when she uses the right words for the right things.

Month 15 to 18: “Come”

When your toddler has said that first word, she soon learns different parts of speech such as adjectives, nouns and verbs. By the time your kid reaches 15 months, she/he can say more than twenty words and the word list swells as days goes by.

How to respond: Cozy up with a storybook for a vocabulary booster. Board books filled with tiny and sweet words, bright pictures are just right for them now.

Month 18 to 22: “Leis-go-wou”

You know that he says something so adorable. But you can’t understand his sentences. Around 21st month,  he will become ‘king of senseless speech’. He may say thirty real words that are super cute though!

How to respond: Question him about his talking. One research says that back and forth conversations between parents and child improves the child’s oral skills efficiently.

Month 22 to 24: “More Juice”

When your kid turns 2, he can twine 2 or 3 words together to create small sentences. This shows that your child is utilizing the language to get things done. Favorite word for most toddlers: “More”.

How to respond: Give her what she wants. Nevertheless, with a reason! If your child is asking for things, then, it means that you have reached your milestone. Celebrate that day!!

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