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Outside Fun Playgroup Activities For Toddlers

As babies grow as toddlers, they start enjoying the outside world at large. Going out of the four boundary walls of the house provides them a lot of happiness. Once they get into the habit of going out, they crave to go and play every day. The mother is the person who normally accompanies the child to the playground or such other place for recreation of the child. A public playground in the colony or a place near your home is perfect for an outing. In addition to it being a pastime the child also learns a lot when taken to the play ground.

The first and foremost thing the toddler learns is being social. During these times when the families are getting smaller with the parents tending to follow a single child norm, children find it difficult to mix up with others. The playground is the place where the child will be able to meet other children and mothers and mix up with them. Here the child will learn how to share his things or toys with the others and will also learn how to play with the toys belonging to others.

Moms are also able to find some time for themselves when the child is playing with friends. When the children of like age form a group they run around, or play some other energetic game like hide and seek. This gives a lot of exercise to the child necessary for the mental and physical development of the child. You can buy a CD player and taken it to the playground. Here show some good informative CD’s to the group of children. After showing those, depending upon the age group, ask the children some simple questions and let them find suitable answers. This will help increase mental development of the child.

If there are senior children around the child can be encouraged to mix up with them and spend some time playing. Your child will be able to learn a lot from senior members. The child can also spend some time listening to the children in the senior group as this will help in language development.

Once the children have exhausted themselves after running and playing, make them sit down. Depending upon the age you can teach them nursery rhymes or some alphabets or numbers. You can take activity book of the child to enable him to learn recognising some objects or drawing lines or doing painting with crayons etc.

If there is some zoo or a museum around take the child to these places. It will be a nice and relaxing change for you and your child. The child will learn to recognise animals and will also be able to understand how the animals live and eat.

These small things do help a lot in accelerating learning and overall development of the child.

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