Reasons for Bed Rest During Pregnancy and What to Do ?

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience in the life of a woman and it is often said that her life is not complete without it. Generally the period from conception to the delivery of the child is a pleasing period of life. One can enjoy this while carrying on normal chores, subject to some restrictions as prescribed by the doctor and a woman can continue with her usual routine till the 28th week of pregnancy.

However, in certain cases, due to complications as mentioned hereunder, it is possible that the doctor suggests bed rest during this period. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to face it with courage and happiness.

Reasons for bed rest during pregnancy
  • If a woman has adverse medical history like miscarriages during the period of previous pregnancies.
  • If there is vaginal bleeding or a woman experiences premature contractions during pregnancy then bed rest is a must.
  • Ladies suffering from high blood pressure, mental depression or premature and false labour pain are also advised complete bed rest.
  • Bed rest is also advised in case there is more than one foetus developing at the same time.

Depending upon the medical condition, bed rest could be for a short duration or for the entire period of pregnancy. It is advisable for the safety of both mother and the child that the advice of the doctor in this regard be strictly followed. Even if she is not allowed to move out of the house and has to lie in bed or sit on a sofa, instructions should be followed properly; otherwise, in adverse cases, hospitalization could be recommended. When advised bed rest, it is necessary to discuss this in detail with the doctor so that the limitations are clear to the woman concerned.

During the period of rest she may be asked to lie on the side which will help adequate supply of blood to the foetus. In case the lady is suffering from hypertension, rest will help reduce not only blood pressure but also physical and mental stress. Generally vaginal bleeding is caused due to excessive activity, lifting of some weight or exercise done by a pregnant woman. A complete bed rest helps overcome all these conditions.

What to do on bed rest during pregnancy ?

Once advised bed rest it becomes difficult for a pregnant woman to pass time. This needs proper and meticulous planning. Watching TV day and night or during the time she is awake may not be a good option. It will be better to draw up a daily schedule and follow it. She should get up in the morning, take a bath and dress up properly as this will help her feel better.

She can start to make a plan to be followed after the arrival of her baby. Remember that first few months are going to be taxing and difficult. By proper planning one could be ready for that time. A lot of information is available in magazines and on the net. This will also help to pass a good time.

Depending upon her temperament and likings and disliking she could plan her time. Watching good light mood comedy or romantic movies, TV series is a good idea. Drawing, painting, hand knitting sweaters for your newborn baby make her feel good. This will definitely help to spend time with least boredom, and will lead to added attachment with the child slowly growing in her body.

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