
What to do on a Rainy Day for Kids?

Both parents and children dread spending long rainy or frosty days indoors with nothing much to do. Watching TV is not a very good option. Activities which interest and excite the child are necessary, as they will hone his creative skills and some activities can even be productive.

  • Children love to make believe so get them to dress as their favorite character and they can enact a scent too. Collect old hats like cowboy and baseball caps, costume jewelry, scarves, shirts, jackets, dresses and shoes from around the house. You can buy some funky stuff from thrift stores. Store them in a cardboard box to bring out on bad weather days. The kids can spend many hours happily by using their imagination. You can help them with makeup by drawing mustaches or pinning up hair.
  • Building a cave, wigwam or fort out of bedclothes and camping in it can be a source of much fun. Get breakable and valuable stuff out of the way and arrange some furniture together. Drape blankets, comforters or old sheets over the furniture to make it look like a dwelling unit. Secure the ends to legs of the furniture with ribbons or tape. Give them a rug or cushions to sit on. Sleeping bags, flashlights, books and board games will complete the fun. For light, a lantern using batteries can be used. A password can be selected by the children to allow entry to those they want.
  • You can help them with some simple cooking. You can bake cup cakes or cookies which they can decorate and gift to grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles or enjoy with their friends. You can select simple recipes for desserts which involve no cooking and allow them to put it together. They can use jelly, jam, cake, Chocó syrup, tinned fruit, cream or ice cream.
  • Handmade cards made by the children will be appreciated by the recipients. Stiffened paper can be used. Messages can be printed using the computer in fancy fonts. The cards can be adorned with glitter, sequence, ribbons, photos and colors. Supervise to see that small children do not put anything in their mouths. They can use the cards for birthdays, Christmas or thank you notes.
  • A fun idea would be to make rag dolls or puppets. For this, you will have to keep a utility box ready. You can build it overtime from odds and ends at home, buying from thrift shops or art shops. You and the children can collect stickers, seashells, buttons, sequins, glitter, tinsel, ribbons and decorations. When needed, use socks or small bits of clothes to make dolls or puppets. Any sewing needed to be done should be done by an adult. Cardboard boxes can be cut and colored to make the background. Again, an adult should supervise when children are working with scissors.
  • Many craft books and kits are available in the market which can give you step by step instructions on how to construct boats, doll houses and other things which a child might enjoy.

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